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    About a month ago, I was invited to participate in an online panel discussion on a Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) episode, which was organized by Electric Cloud. It was set up over Google Hangouts and everyone had some really great thoughts. If you've ever participated in a well-organized open spaces session or sat in on a speakers panel at a conference, it felt a little bit like that. I'd encourage you to check it out.
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    I just wrapped up my CodeStock presentation on a Brief History of (.NET) Threading. I attempted to cover the last 10 years of threading in .NET starting from .NET 1.0 all the way to today. So, think Thread, BackgroundWorker, ThreadPool, IAsyncResult moving forward to Task and async/await.
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    If your career is anything like mine, you've dealt with a wide array of various code bases across multiple technologies. Some web, some client, etc. With varying technologies, the tools change, the languages change, everything changes. A few things have remained relatively constant, though, such as a command line.
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    Over the last month or so, I've been playing around with Swift, the new language that Apple unveiled at WWDC this year. Thus far, I've really enjoyed it. To get started with learning it, I thought I'd convert one of our iOS applications at work over to Swift from Objective-C. I'm only doing it in my spare time, so it might never get published, but I've learned a lot since starting.
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    So, I've been playing around with ASP.NET vNext... which sounds funny, because I haven't actually written any ASP.NET code yet. It's all been straight console applications so far. I guess it'd be more fair to say that I've been digging into the new KRuntime that ASP.NET vNext will be running on.