

  • Published on
    About a month ago, I was invited to participate in an online panel discussion on a Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) episode, which was organized by Electric Cloud. It was set up over Google Hangouts and everyone had some really great thoughts. If you've ever participated in a well-organized open spaces session or sat in on a speakers panel at a conference, it felt a little bit like that. I'd encourage you to check it out.
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    It's been a good 4 years since I last gave a public presentation in Memphis (it was on PowerShell), so I figured it was time to give another talk. Tonight, I gave a short talk on CasperJS at the Memphis Java User Group.
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    Tonight, I presented on PowerShell to the Fort Smith .NET User Group.org/). It was my first presentation/speech since college! Fortunately, it seems to have gone over well and I think I helped drive some interest in PowerShell. Here are my slides and other relevant links for any of those who attended.