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    I've been going through some of my old code from college lately and I've been surprised by just how little I knew early on, even during my senior year. It made me think about the sorts of things that new programmers don't (usually) learn or that are learned best from mentors as opposed to from books or classes. In this post, I want to share concrete things that _I've learned_. No calling out other people here, this is all me.
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    I discovered "my year in books" a few weeks back and found it pretty interesting. The idea is that you plug in your Goodreads profile link and it will generate a nice view of the various books you've read over the past year.
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    A few months back, I began having some wrist pain at work. I suspect that many who work on a keyboard for the majority of their day struggle with wrist pain of some kind. That said, I was a little surprised because I had been using an ergonomic keyboard. In fact, I've been on an ergonomic keyboard for at least 15 years. I hadn't yet tried a mechanical keyboard, though, so I figured it was time to try one out. But first, I want to share the keyboards I've used.
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    Just over a year ago, I shifted careers and joined Clear Function here in Memphis - it's been my first exposure to both agency and consulting work and I've really enjoyed it. I thought I'd share a little bit of my experience thus far.