
Slides and notes from MNUG talk

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Slides and notes from MNUG talk


I promised the slides, notes and links from my Memphis .NET User Group talk, so here they are… and wow, they haven’t really changed much from when I gave the PowerShell talk to the FSDNUG group. So, I’ll just link to the zip of the presentation from that talk.

The primary slide that I added to my presentation was entirely related to a StackOverflow question entitled, “how do you use PowerShell.”

I felt that the talk went fairly well, but I did have to rush towards the end because I added an overview of some real scripts that I use, but I didn’t remove enough of my prior content… thus, the rush. :-) No big deal, though. I did get the feeling that there were a few people who didn’t really feel that PowerShell applied to them, but hey, that’s fine. At least there weren’t any tomatoes!

I’ll be presenting one more time (as far as I know) this year at Harding University. I’m looking forward to it, too. I’ll be presenting for the Computing Seminar on October 9. The last time I spoke before Seminar was in 2003 when I talked about “Smart Client Software.” That was when it was for college credit! I’m planning on changing the talk up a little to direct it more towards CS students instead of professional developers. I imagine it will be a slightly different audience than the typical .NET User Group, too. We’ll see.

Back on the MNUG talk, thanks to Randy for driving and thanks to Colin for inviting me to speak. It was fun!