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New stuff


First off, apologies for not posting anything in 2 (wait, has it been 3?!?) months - that’s the longest I’ve ever gone without posting anything. Second, apologies for talking about not posting. That’s a no no. Third, apologies for apologizing for… oh, right.

So, what have I been up to.

Long story.

Well, my wife and I are now residents in the Memphis area. Obviously a big change. I had been living and working in Fort Smith, AR for the past 7 years. I’d even been at the same company that whole period. We had always talked about whether or not we would stay there or move and all that, but if you had asked me at the beginning of the year if I thought we’d end up moving, I probably would’ve said no. Well, guess I would’ve been wrong!

I took a job with ServiceU Corporation and I’m just finishing up my first week with them. Other than the obvious location change, the job is also quite a bit different from what I’ve been used to. First off, it’s a much smaller company. Second, technology adoption is pretty serious here. Third and likely most important for me, it’s a software company. You know, the end product we provide is software. Well, okay, technically it’s a service. But you know, that service is fulfilled by software. It’s pretty much summed up by Jeff Atwood’s 2007 article entitled, “remember, this stuff is supposed to be fun.” That’s the main reason.

So, what will I be doing? Well, for one, I’ll get to work with ASP.NET MVC 2. I’ve been playing around with it, but I haven’t really worked with web stuff extensively since classic ASP. I’ve delved into Rails a little on my own, but nothing major. It will be interesting to compare what I’ve learned with Rails to ASP.NET MVC. I’m really excited! I’m also planning on getting the rest of my team interested in PowerShell. So don’t worry, the PowerShell posts will continue!

On the DNUG side of things, I’m obviously no longer the FSDNUG president. Jeremy Sloan is the new president and he’s got lots of other great guys helping him out. Over here, I’m planning on getting active with Memphis DNUG. I’m hoping to get to see some of the FSDNUG guys at DevLink. That was a hint, by the way.

On the personal side of things, I hate not seeing all of my Fort Smith area friends as often as we were able to before. Thankfully, Fort Smith and Memphis aren’t that far away from each other. I imagine we’ll be on I-40 quite a bit more than we have in the past.