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PowerShell script to calculate file hashes



Kevin commented about a flaw in my script wherein it would keep files open until the PowerShell process was closed - a scenario I should’ve tested but, in all of the excitement (ha), I missed. You won’t believe what the problem was, either. I forgot parentheses on my $inStream.Close() method (it looked like $inStream.Close instead of $inStream.Close**()** ). The reason the trap { } script block didn’t catch it is because the statement was still valid… it would just display the MethodInfo like below:

MemberType          : Method
OverloadDefinitions : {System.Void Close()}
TypeNameOfValue     : System.Management.Automation.PSMethod
Value               : System.Void Close()
Name                : Close
IsInstance          : True

The [void] statement before it prevented the output from displaying, hence me not catching the bug. The script has now been fixed (hopefully). Thanks for the catch Kevin!


Ignore my script. Go download the PowerShell Community Extensions instead. It has a great Get-Hash script that does everything that my script does and more. I wish I had downloaded it sooner :-)

Jeffrey Snover posted a suggestion on the PowerShell blog recently to post automation scripts people have written in PowerShell that they use. Well, here is a script I wrote that I also submitted for the PowerShell Scripting Contest a few weeks back. The script is quite basic and is based on other code I found, but I added a little bit to it to handle some of my own needs. It calculates file hashes based on a specified hash algorithm (i.e. SHA1, MD5, etc). I like to use it to determine if a large file I’ve downloaded (like an ISO from MSDN) is a good file or if it was corrupted during the download.

Here is Calc-Hash.ps1:

param (
  [string] $inFile = $(throw "Usage: Calc-Hash.ps1 file.txt [sha1|md5] "),
  [string] $hashType = "sha1"

function Main
  if ($hashType -eq "")
    throw "Usage: Calc-Hash.ps1 file.txt [sha1|md5] "

  if ($hashType -eq "sha1")
    $provider = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
  elseif ($hashType -eq "md5")
    $provider = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
    throw "Unsupported hash type $hashType"

  $inFileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo($inFile)
  if (-not $inFileInfo.Exists)
    # If the file can't be found, try looking for it in the current directory.
    $inFileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo("$pwd\$inFile")
    if (-not $inFileInfo.Exists)
      throw "Can't find $inFileInfo"

  $inStream = $inFileInfo.OpenRead()
  $hashBytes = $provider.ComputeHash($inStream)
  [void] $inStream.Close()

    if ($inStream -ne $null)
      [void] $inStream.Close()

  foreach ($byte in $hashBytes)
    Write-Host -NoNewLine $byte.ToString("X2")


. Main